Bespoke Admissions Platform

Looking to build a Bespoke Admissions Platform for your organisation. Built your own tailored paperless system on top of a trusted, versatile base platform.

How It Works…


1. Digitise Application Form & Apply Workflow

We take your current paper-based application form and convert it into an online branded application form. We then customise & optimise your existing workflow to create an optimised online application process.

2. Collect and Manage Applications…

Invite applicants to your new fully branded applications portal where they can complete the application form online, submit supporting documentation and track progress

3. Manage, Process and Review Applications

Using intuitive data management & communication tools you can easily communicate with applicants, coordinate the review process with internal and external reviewers, automate repetitive tasks and rank applicants

Streamlined applicant Journey…

Your prospective applicants will see a beautifully designed application form customised to blend in with your website. On this page they can complete the form, upload supporting documents (if required), save progress and return to complete later if necessary. Once they submit their application, they can track progress via a secure applicant login area which comes with an instant messaging system direct to your admin team should they have any questions.

“Our applicant applications & conversions have increased significantly since we integrated over a year ago”

– Central Film School, London

Your new online application form accessible on any device…

Your online application form will be cleverly designed to work on any device. Whether it’s on a mobile phone or portable tablet. Making it even easier for applicants to complete and submit the form while on the go.

“The online application form allowed me to save then come back and complete at anytime which allowed me to complete it in my own time. Once I submitted, I could track and communicate directly with administrators direct from my mobile while I was travelling, which was a fantastic bonus”

– applicant (2013 cohort)

Increase your applicant conversions with a form that works on all devices

Manage,Track and Process Applications in the Cloud…

Our Online Admissions Software Tools enable you to

  • Securely manage staff system access and monitor performance
  • Manage your course list and associated admissions work flows
  • Easily manage and process submitted applications plus supporting documentation
  • One click Data and Graphic reports to Senior Management standard
  • Multiple add-ons such as Bulk SMS & EMAIL senders, Tier 4 Compliance tools, Agent manager and many more

“lite has introduced Accountability,Transparency and world class customer service to applicants applying direct”

– Ravensbourne, London
