online admission software features

Sign Offers, Consent Forms & Agreements Online

Add sign-online functionality to your consent forms and Offer letters.

  • Simplify the offer process with online offer letter signing.
  • Speed up enrolment with instant, digital signature capabilities.
  • Sign documents from any location, at any time.
  • Ensure legal compliance with verifiable digital signatures.
  • Cut down on administrative tasks and paper usage.
  • Secure and reliable digital document handling.
  • Support sustainability with reduced paper consumption.
  • Automated saving and attachment of signed documents.
  • Offer a convenient, modern signing process.

Use Cases:

Sign Offers

Using our sign-on-line feature, you can allow your students to sign their offer letters online. This eliminates the need for physical signatures and makes the offer process faster and more convenient. It also makes it easier for students to accept their offers in a timely manner. Furthermore, this feature ensures that all documents are legally binding, as the signatures are legally binding and verifiable.

Signing Agreements

At times, you want an applicant or parent to sign a terms and conditions page or a general consent form. This feature allows you to do just that.

How it Works:

Step 1: Create a Template Offer Letter

Step 2: Generate the Offer

Step 3: Send a Secure Link

Step 4: Applicant Login and Review

Step 5: Signing the Offer Letter

Alternative Use: Adding Signature Fields to Forms

Step 6: Automatic Saving and Access


  1. Enhanced Efficiency: The online signing feature significantly speeds up the offer acceptance process. By allowing students to sign documents digitally, you eliminate the delays associated with physical document handling and postal services.
  2. Convenience and Accessibility: Students and applicants can access and sign documents from anywhere, at any time, without the need for printing or scanning. This convenience is particularly beneficial for international students or those who may not have easy access to postal services.
  3. Legal Compliance and Security: Digital signatures on HEIapply are legally binding and verifiable, ensuring that all signed documents comply with legal standards. This feature adds a layer of security and trust to the document verification process.
  4. Reduced Administrative Burden: By automating the signing process, HEIapply significantly reduces the administrative workload associated with manual processing of offer letters and agreements. This allows administrative staff to focus on other essential tasks.
  5. Environmentally Friendly: Going digital with offer letters and agreements contributes to reducing paper usage and supporting environmental sustainability efforts.
  6. Improved Tracking and Management: Digital signatures allow for efficient tracking and management of signed documents. Institutions can easily access, view, and download signed documents, streamlining record-keeping and audit processes.
  7. Enhanced Applicant Experience: The convenience and speed of the online signing process contribute to a more positive applicant experience, which can be a deciding factor for students choosing between institutions.
  8. Increased Acceptance Rates: The ease and speed of signing offers online can lead to higher acceptance rates, as students are more likely to complete the process promptly.

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