online admission software features

Review & Score: Streamlining Admissions Assessment

Redefine Your Review & Assessment Process with Our Advanced Online Tools

  • Effortless reviewing of applications, feedback, and assessments all in one place.
  • Advanced filtering options to help you quickly identify the most promising candidates.
  • Integrated scoring system for clear and unbiased assessment.
  • Automated notifications to keep applicants informed about their status in real-time.
  • Easy access to all information needed for making informed admission decisions.

With HEIapply’s Review & Score feature, elevate your admissions assessment process, ensuring a fair, efficient, and consistent evaluation of applicants. Make more informed decisions and welcome the best-fit candidates.

Use Cases:

As an administrator, HEIapply’s Review & Score feature equips you to:

  1. Efficiently Evaluate Applications: Simplify the review process by having all application materials in one digital space.
  2. Customise Scoring Criteria: Tailor assessment criteria to your unique requirements, ensuring fair and precise evaluations.
  3. Collaborate Effectively: Facilitate communication among reviewers with collaborative annotation tools. Discuss applications and reach consensus efficiently.
  4. Ensure Consistency: Standardise your evaluation process by providing clear scoring guidelines to reviewers.
  5. Track Progress: Keep a real-time overview of where each application is in the evaluation pipeline, reducing bottlenecks.

How It Works:

HEIapply’s Review & Score feature is designed to simplify and enhance your admissions assessment:

  1. Centralised Repository: All application materials, from transcripts to recommendation letters, are stored securely in one place, accessible to authorised reviewers.
  2. Customisable Scoring: Tailor scoring criteria to your institution’s preferences. Define rubrics and weightings to match your evaluation needs.
  3. Collaboration Tools: Reviewers can annotate documents and exchange comments within the platform. Collaboration is seamless, even if your team is geographically dispersed.
  4. Automatic Calculations: Scores are calculated automatically based on the defined criteria, reducing the chance of human error.
  5. Real-Time Tracking: The platform provides real-time updates on each application’s status in the evaluation process.


HEIapply’s Review & Score feature provides numerous advantages for administrators:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline the evaluation process, reducing the time required to make admission decisions.
  2. Customisation: Adapt the system to your unique needs, ensuring assessments align with your values.
  3. Better Communication: Facilitate collaboration and discussions among reviewers, leading to well-informed admission decisions.
  4. Data-Driven Insights: Access comprehensive reports on the evaluation process to make informed decisions and improve your admissions strategies.
  5. Reduced Administrative Burden: Automate scoring calculations and progress tracking, freeing your team to focus on more strategic tasks.

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