online admission software features

Make Or Accept Offers

Optimise your offer management process with our all-inclusive tool for seamless efficiency.

  • Customise settings to cater to your institution’s needs.
  • Configure offers based on applicant applications and assessment results
  • Easily send personalised offers to each applicant via both emails and letters.
  • Allow applicants to sign online as part of the acceptance process.
  • We also provide a 'sign and pay' feature as part of offer acceptance.
  • Automatically update applicants about any changes in their offers.
  • Monitor responses from applicants quickly and accurately.
  • Receive real-time notifications when an offer is accepted or declined.
  • Keep track of offer responses in one place for easy access and review.
  • Short for time, generate all the above using our bulk offer generator.
  • Save a PDF copy of the signed document for record keeping.

HEIapply’s Offer Making and Acceptance feature empowers administrators to manage offers effectively, providing a seamless experience for both institutions and applicants. Simplify your offer processes, improve applicant engagement, and secure acceptances with confidence.

Use Cases:

As an administrator, HEIapply’s Offer Making and Acceptance feature empowers you to navigate complex offer processes with ease:

  1. Effortless Offer Creation: Craft customised offers seamlessly, specifying terms and conditions for accepted applicants.
  2. Real-time Offer Status: Track offer statuses in real-time. Know when an applicant has viewed, accepted, or declined an offer.
  3. Conditional Offers: Easily create conditional offers based on specific criteria. Streamline the process for applicants who need additional documentation.
  4. Automated Communications: Send automated, personalised emails notifying applicants of their offers. Save time and ensure consistent messaging.
  5. Secure Acceptance: Receive secure acceptances with e-signatures, eliminating the need for physical paperwork and postage.

How It Works:

HEIapply’s Offer Making and Acceptance feature simplifies and enhances the offer process:

  1. Custom Offer Templates: Create offer templates tailored to different programmes and courses, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  2. Integrated E-Signatures: Applicants can digitally sign and accept offers directly through the HEIapply platform, enhancing security and convenience.
  3. Automated Notifications: HEIapply sends automated offer notifications via email, keeping applicants informed and engaged.
  4. Conditional Logic: Set conditional logic for offers, automating the process for applicants who meet specific criteria.


For administrators in schools, businesses, and universities, HEIapply’s Offer Making and Acceptance feature offers numerous advantages:

  1. Efficiency: Streamline the offer process, reducing manual workloads and administrative overhead.
  2. Improved Applicant Experience: Enhance the applicant journey with automated, timely, and personalised communications.
  3. Security: Safeguard offer acceptances with secure e-signatures, ensuring authenticity and compliance.
  4. Consistency: Maintain consistency and accuracy in your offer documentation with customised templates.
  5. Data Insights: Access data and analytics on offer acceptance rates and trends for informed decision-making.

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