online admission software features

Scheduling, Interviewing, and Examining of Candidates

Streamline Interview Processes with Our Comprehensive Interview Management Module

  • Schedule interviews in bulk or one-on-one
  • Automatically generate interview invitations
  • Automate interview reminders to both applicants and interviewers
  • Generate comprehensive reports for each interviewer after the interviews are completed
  • Customise settings to cater to your institution’s needs.
  • Allow applicants to provide feedback after their interviews.
  • Monitor all data related to interviews in one place for easy access and overviewing.

HEIapply’s Scheduling, Interviewing, and Examining of Candidates feature streamlines the admissions process, making it easier for administrators to select the best-fit candidates for their institutions. Say goodbye to paperwork and embrace a more efficient and effective enrolment process.

Use Cases:

As an administrator handling a high volume of applicants. HEIapply’s Scheduling, Interviewing, and Examining of Candidates feature empowers you to:

  1. Effortlessly Manage Interviews: Schedule interviews with prospective students, ensuring a smooth and organised process.
  2. Conduct Online Examinations: Administer entrance exams digitally, providing flexibility and accessibility to candidates.
  3. Coordinate Assessment Panels: Arrange expert panels to evaluate applicants systematically, even in remote setups.
  4. Optimise Schedules: Avoid overlapping appointments and ensure all candidates receive fair and timely consideration.
  5. Enhance Candidate Experience: Offer applicants convenient interview slots, making their journey towards enrolment stress-free.

How It Works:

HEIapply simplifies the process of scheduling, interviewing, and examining candidates:

  1. Appointment Management: Easily set up interview and examination slots using HEIapply’s intuitive scheduling tool.
  2. Candidate Notifications: Automatically notify candidates of their interview or examination details
  3. Allow Applicants To Select Slots: Setup a calendar where applicants can select a time that suits them best and get notified when they have made a selection. Watch you ser sessions fill up with little effort.
  4. Panel Coordination: Assign faculty or expert panels to evaluate candidates, coordinating their schedules seamlessly.
  5. Capture Outcomes: HEIapply lets you capture the outcomes of every session in a simple and seamless way.


By utilising HEIapply’s Scheduling, Interviewing, and Examining of Candidates feature, administrators benefit in several ways:

  1. Efficiency: Save time and effort by automating scheduling and notifications.
  2. Flexibility: Offer candidates a range of interview and examination slots to suit their needs.
  3. Fairness: Ensure all candidates receive equal consideration through efficient panel coordination.
  4. Enhanced Reputation: Showcase your institution as modern, flexible, and responsive to candidates’ needs.

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