The Leading Education Admissions Software Solution

Educational Institutions with Course Registration Software

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Loved and trusted by organisations all over the world

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HEIapply Overview

Institutions need to keep up with the evolving technological advancements as one such advancement that has gradually become a game-changer is online class registration software. This powerful tool is revolutionizing how most schools and higher education institutions manage their course registration process, which makes it crucial for educational institutions aiming for growth and efficiency.

The Imperative Shift to Online Class Registration Software

Imagine an institution still stuck in the traditional way of course registration; manual data entry, paper-based processes, and outdated systems. Such methods are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors and often result in a less-than-ideal experience for both students and staff.

This is where online class registration software comes into play. This software automates many of the tedious tasks associated with the registration process, reducing the workload for administrative staff significantly. They can easily add or remove courses, manage class capacities, track enrollment numbers in real-time, and generate reports. This automation not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of errors that can occur with manual data entry.

For students, the software offers a simple and intuitive interface to browse available courses, view course details, and enroll in their chosen classes. Many of these software tools also provide features such as waitlist management, prerequisite tracking, and schedule conflict detection, ensuring that students can make informed decisions about their course selections.

Advantages of Implementing Class Registration Software

The implementation of class registration software in education institutions brings a plethora of benefits. It not only simplifies the online registration process but also enhances the overall student experience. Students no longer need to stand in long queues or fill out confusing forms. They can now register for their courses at their convenience using any device with internet access.

Moreover, this software also comes with integrated online payments and online payments processing features, providing a secure and convenient way for students to pay their fees. It eliminates the risk and hassle associated with handling cash or cheques, making the online payments process smoother for both students and institutions.

Another significant advantage of class registration software is its robust client management tools. These tools allow institutions to manage their student data efficiently, track their progress, and communicate with them effectively. They provide a centralized platform where all student-related information is stored, making it easy to retrieve and update whenever needed.

Empowering Educational and Training Programs with Online Registration

Class registration software is not just limited to traditional institutions. It’s also highly beneficial for organizations that offer educational and training programs. By streamlining the online registration and class management processes, this software allows these organizations to focus more on improving their curriculum and teaching methods, thereby enhancing the quality of their programs.

Moreover, most class registration software can easily integrate with other systems such as Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms. This seamless integration ensures a smooth flow of data across different systems, further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

The Comprehensive Guide to Class Registration Software: Is It Right For Your Institution?

In the age of digital transformation, institutions and training centers worldwide are leveraging technology to streamline their processes, enhance efficiency, and improve user experiences. One such innovation that has gained significant traction is class registration software. However, like any other technological solution, it’s essential to understand this software’s advantages, disadvantages, and applicability to your institution before implementing it. This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth analysis of class registration software, helping you make an informed decision.

Streamlining Operations with Class Registration Software

Class registration software is a robust tool designed to automate and manage the course registration process, making it efficient and user-friendly. Let’s delve into the benefits and some of the key features registration software offers:

Efficiency and Time-Saving

The primary advantage of class registration software lies in its ability to automate numerous administrative tasks associated with course registration. By eliminating manual work, it significantly reduces the time spent on data entry, form processing, and record-keeping. Consequently, administrative staff can focus on more critical tasks, enhancing overall productivity and operational efficiency.

Enhanced User Experience

Class registration software is designed with user-friendliness in mind. It provides students with an intuitive interface, allowing them to browse through available courses, view detailed course information, and register for their preferred classes with ease. Additionally, features such as waitlist client management, prerequisite tracking, and schedule conflict detection aid students in making informed decisions, thereby improving their overall experience.

Real-Time Tracking and Reporting

With class registration software, one of the key features is that administrators can monitor enrollments in real-time, enabling them to manage class capacities effectively. It also provides detailed reports on various aspects, such as student demographics, popular courses, and enrollment trends, facilitating data-driven decision-making.


Class registration software not only saves time but also reduces costs for institutions. By automating manual tasks, it eliminates the need for additional administrative staff, saving money on salaries and benefits. Moreover, with enhanced efficiency and productivity, institutions can handle a higher volume of registrations without having to invest in additional resources or infrastructure.

Secure Data Management

Class registration software offers robust security features to ensure the safe storage and management of sensitive data. It employs advanced encryption techniques to protect personal information, such as student records and online payment details, from potential cyber threats. Another one of the key features is that it also offers secure access controls, allowing administrators to restrict access to confidential data based on user roles and permissions in just a few clicks. By implementing class registration software, institutions can rest assured that their data is protected and comply with data privacy regulations.

Enhancing Workflow with HEIapply’s Unified Class Registration and Payment System

Integrating registration and payment processing into class registration software, like HEIapply Education Admissions Software, brings a host of benefits that streamline operations and significantly improve efficiency. The foremost advantage is the elimination of manual payment handling errors, which can be time-consuming to rectify and cause unnecessary delays. By automating this crucial step, our software not only eradicates these potential mistakes but also reduces the workload for the registration team.

With the payment processing feature built-in, class registrations are accelerated, as it seamlessly takes care of the vital aspect of payment collection. The integration of payment being processed within the class registration process saves valuable time, allowing the registration team to focus on other important tasks. This ultimately leads to smoother operations and a more productive workflow.

Moreover, HEIapply Education Admissions Software supports various payment options, adding to its versatility and user-friendliness. Offering customers their preferred payment method keeps them satisfied and enhances their overall experience. This flexibility in payment processing ensures that every transaction is conducted in a manner that is most convenient for the customer.

The integration of payment processing in HEIapply Education Admissions Software ties up the whole process effectively and efficiently. It not only streamlines class registration but also optimizes payment collection, providing a comprehensive solution for education institutions looking to enhance their operational efficiency.

Potential Challenges with Class Registration Software

Despite the numerous advantages, it’s essential to be aware of potential challenges or drawbacks that may come with implementing online registration software:

Upfront Implementation Costs

The initial cost of purchasing and implementing class registration software can be substantial, especially for smaller institutions or those operating on tight budgets. This factor needs to be considered when calculating the return on investment.

Training Requirements

Like any new system, class registration software involves a learning curve. Staff and students may require training to familiarize themselves with the software’s features and functionalities, which can consume time and resources.

Limited Customization

While most class registration software offers a range of features, some may not provide extensive customization options. This limitation could pose a challenge to digitalize educational institutions with unique needs or specific operational workflows.

Technical Glitches

Technical issues are a common concern with any software. Downtime or glitches in the class registration software can disrupt the online registration process and cause inconvenience to users. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose software with reliable technical support.

Where Does Class Registration Software Shine?

Class registration software proves exceptionally beneficial in large educational institutions where managing enrollments manually can be time-consuming and error-prone. For instance, SRAS implemented a class registration system and reported improved administrative efficiency and enhanced student satisfaction.

However, in smaller institutions or those offering a limited number of courses, the high implementation costs and effort might outweigh the benefits. Hence, it’s essential to assess your institution’s size, the volume of course registrations, and available resources before deciding to invest in this software.

Streamlining After-School Programs: The Role of Class Registration Software

Class registration software plays a vital role in the efficient functioning of after-school programs. This software helps streamline the process of enrolling students into various activities and courses offered by the program.

Firstly, HEIapply allows parents and guardians to easily view and select the available courses or activities that suit their child’s interests and schedule. The software provides detailed information about each course, including description, timing, instructor details, and fees.

Secondly, our software simplifies the registration process. With just a few clicks, parents can register their children for multiple activities. This not only saves time and reduces paperwork but also ensures that the process is error-free.

Thirdly, HEIapply Education Admissions Software comes with integrated capabilities of registration and payment processes as mentioned earlier. This means parents can pay the course fees online, making the process seamless and hassle-free.

Moreover, our registration software also benefits the administrators of the programs as it helps them track enrollment numbers in real time, manage wait-lists, and send out automatic confirmations and reminders.

HEIapply Education Admissions Software and after-school programs work hand-in-hand to provide an efficient, user-friendly experience for both parents and program administrators. It helps ensure that more children can benefit from these valuable programs.

Making the Right Choice

While class registration software offers numerous benefits, it isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s crucial to digitalize educational institutions by assessing their specific needs, available resources, and the potential return on investment this software can bring. Understanding both the advantages and challenges outlined in this guide can help stakeholders make an informed decision about whether class registration software is the right fit for their institution.

In conclusion, as we progress further into the digital age, it becomes increasingly important for traditional educational institutions to leverage technology to streamline operations and improve experiences. Class registration software could be a significant step in this direction, provided it aligns with your institution’s needs and goals.

Investing in the Future of Education Registration Process

With all the benefits on offer for educational institutions, investing in class registration software is a strategic move that promises a high return on investment. This software not only improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the registration process but it also enhances the overall experience for students, staff, and administrators.

As we move further into the digital age, class registration software is no longer a luxury; it’s now a necessity. It’s an essential tool that every educational institution should have in their arsenal to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their students. So if you’re still stuck with the traditional way of managing course registrations, it’s high time to make the shift and embrace the future of education with course registration software.

How We Do It

– Streamlined Applicant Journey

All too often, the admissions process for educational institutions can be a cumbersome and time-consuming affair for both prospective students and staff alike. Our online Admissions Software seeks to streamline the process as much as possible whilst still ensuring that all the necessary information is gathered.

Applicants can complete their application form online at their convenience, upload supporting documentation, save progress, and return later if need be. They can also submit and track processing progress via a secure student log-in area, and make use of an instant messaging system linked directly to your school admissions admin team should they have any questions.

All the information provided can be easily sent into your school management system for enrolment and other post-enrolment activities.

image of applicant area
imge of admin/backend area

– Optimised Administrative Activities

Easily manage staff access, programme listings and shortlisting applicants. Capture reviews from internal employees or external members of your team. Send out automated emails and communicate with your applicants from within the platform private messaging system.

We Take Manual Human Error Prone Standard or Complex Application Processes And Provide A Streamlined, Intuitive Solution

Without HEIapply

image of chaotic-admissions-process

With HEIapply

image of organised admissions process

What Some Of Our Customers Have To Say About Our Admissions Software

From Paper-based To Online

We had a paper-based application process with internal and external team members.

It was proving time consuming and difficult. Email trails were hard to follow and find and we were constantly fielding applicant follow up calls.

HEIapply has allowed us to have a complete on-line application process, massively improving the applicant journey.

"If telling someone else about HEIapply, I would say: Just make the switch, you'll not regret it!"

- E4F Startup Incubator, United Kingdom

From Inadequate Solution To Simplified Software

We were using another platform that was not fit for purpose until we discovered HEIapply.

We had a short time-frame in which to turnaround the project and we managed to get up and running very quickly.

Our ideas were listened to and taken on board, the HEIapply team also offered advice on industry best practices that helped us mould the solution into something more than what we had ever imagined

"It's one of the most intuitive systems we've ever worked with and it simplified our workflow to a degree where it made the job enjoyable"

- Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Key Features That Allow You To Managing Your
Entire Student Recruitment Process In A Single CRM Platform

Lead Management

Streamline Lead Management and Improve Conversion Rates with Seamless Form Integration

  • Effortless creation of embeddable forms with HEIapply's powerful form builder
  • Capture enquiries and leads directly within your CRM for improved lead management and nurturing
  • Transform the way you manage potential applicants through streamlined processes
  • Option to use existing forms via API integration or Zapier integration to send data directly into your HEIapply environment
  • Seamless integration with your existing workflows to ensure continuity and efficiency

image of easy to use form builder
graphic illustration of a mouse clicking a button

Admissions Related Events

Effortlessly Capture and Confirm Attendance for Admission Related Events With Integrated Event Booking Forms

  • Integrated event booking forms that simplify registration and make it easy for attendees to sign up and participate
  • User-friendly forms that allow individuals to provide their information, choose preferred sessions, and confirm attendance with just a few clicks
  • Elimination of registration barriers that encourage more students to join events
  • Automation of attendance confirmation to help administrative teams manage and track event participation efficiently
  • Automated event communication, including confirmations and reminders, to keep attendees engaged and informed throughout the event journey

Online Applications

Simplify and Accelerate the Applicant Journey with Streamlined Online Applications, Document Upload, Intergrated Messaging and Progress Tracking

  • Streamlined online applications that enable easy completion of forms and document uploads
  • Convenient tracking of application progress in a secure online portal
  • Integrated messaging system for direct communication between applicants and administrative team
  • Prompt responses to any queries raised by applicants
  • Payment capture prior to submission through our integration with 5 popular payment gateways

Illustration of stacked screenshots from various area of our software
screenshot of a laptop showing the software's dashboard

Admissions Office Tools

Boost Administrative Efficiency By Empowering Your Admin Team To Efficiently Manage, Assign, and Process Applications to Desired Endpoints Using Simplified Workflows

  • Empowers your admin team to streamline application management, assignment, and processing
  • Simplified workflows enable efficient handling when there is a surge of applications
  • Assigns applications to appropriate reviewers for timely processing
  • Reduces manual effort, improves productivity, and ensures a smooth and organised application process
  • Boosts administrative efficiency and frees up time to focus on other critical tasks

Branding Your Applications Portal

Elevate Your Brand Experience with HEIapply's Customisable Branding Features

  • Custom branding capabilities for authentic customer experiences
  • Incorporate company culture with colours, images, logos, and more
  • Build lasting impressions with every interaction
  • High level of customisability available
  • Enhance every aspect of customer and admin engagement on the HEIapply platform
  • Professional appearance that reflects your business goals and values
  • Give your institution a Competitive edge with unique and personalised branding

image showing that you can brand the portal in any way you like
image of a user seeking and getting support

All-Round Product & Technical Support

Benefit from our Dedicated Onboarding and Technical Support, Guided by our Expert Account Managers for Optimal Efficiency.

  • Comprehensive services to help both novice and experienced users with their CRM migration, onboarding, and regular training needs
  • Customised training programs tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Ongoing support to ensure that you get the most out of your CRM system
  • Additional products and services to enhance your CRM experience, including advanced reporting capabilities, automated workflows, and data analysis tools

Start With An Out Of The Box Recipe Specifically Crafted For Your Organisation Type

Move Your Entire Admissions Process Online In Days Not Weeks
illustration of 3 screens connected together to illustrate a workflow
1-Setup Your Applicants/Bookers/Parent/Agent Portal
2-Configure The Administrator’s Portal
3-Load Your Programmes, Message Templates, Setup Automation and user accounts

Need Help With A Complex Non-Standard Setup?

Thanks to our background as a software development company, we thrive on complexity. Our solution is designed to handle even the most intricate setups with ease. Tailoring key features of our base solution to meet your precise requirements is not only possible, but it's what we excel at.

Here is how we do it...

icon showing gears

We Analyse Your Current Process

We work with you to capture & understand your current process. You can focus on your main pain points whilst retaining critical aspects of your existing work-flow.

icon showing a configuration process

Customise our Out-of-Box Solution

We setup your digital forms, online application portal, supporting documents, configure and embed your work-flow into our ‘out of the box’ Admissions Software and get you up and running in weeks.

icon showing support services

Launch, Support & Make Periodic Adjustments

We support you post launch with 8 weeks of weekly reviews. During this time, we are an extension of your team, making sure the CRM is well-adapted to your workflow.

Pickup the phone and get all your questions answered

Book A Demo To See HEIapply In Action

The Leading Education Admissions Software Solution

Virtual Admissions Systems: What Has Made them so Popular?

Learn More Book A Demo
main image heiapply

Loved and trusted by organisations all over the world

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Sedbergh International summer school logo
South Essex College Logo
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Heart Of England NHS Logo
Aston University Birmingham Logo

HEIapply Overview

Step into the future of the admissions process. Gone are the days of lengthy paperwork, stacks of applications, and endless queues. In this fast-paced world, educational institutions have revolutionised their approach by harnessing the power of technology.

  • But how did the concept of Virtual Admissions come into existence?
  • What is it about them that has captivated the education industry?
  • And what are the key features that make a Virtual Admissions System stand out from the rest?

Enough of the questions, let’s explore the reasons behind their skyrocketing popularity.

A quick summary video covering the main points of the article.

The Emergence of Virtual Admissions Solutions

What is a Virtual Admissions Solution

A virtual admissions system mirrors the traditional in-person admissions process, but it leverages a virtual platform for the interaction between students and admission counselors.

The Global Appeal of VAS:

Across the globe, forward-thinking educational institutions from public and private schools, international schools, private college centres, universities and many other types of institutions are embracing this new technology. You’ll find the term VAS commonly used in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom, where the demand for streamlined, efficient admissions processes is on the rise.

The traditional application process and its challenges

The traditional process has had many challenges for institutions, primarily due to its reliance on manual procedures and paperwork. Such a system requires endless hours of laborious paperwork that needs to be filled out accurately and kept organized; it also demands long queues of prospective students waiting in line just to submit their applications. Additionally, the sheer number of applicants makes it difficult for administrators to review each person and application thoroughly and make a decision in a timely manner.

The digital revolution in education industry

The need for an efficient process gave rise to the concept of Admissions Systems, which are software solutions designed to streamline the entire admission process. These systems allow institutions to automate many tedious tasks from collecting applications to making decisions and sending notifications. Additionally, the use of artificial intelligence is sure to change how Admissions Systems work over the coming years.

The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Acceleration of Online Admissions Systems Adoption

The Covid-19 pandemic played a significant role in accelerating the adoption of Virtual Admissions. With the impact of the pandemic, educational institutions worldwide were abruptly pushed to transition to an entirely digital framework. Traditional admissions processes were no longer feasible due to lockdown measures and social distancing guidelines. As a result, there was a sudden surge in demand for digital solutions that could allow institutions to continue their admissions process remotely.

They proved to be the perfect solution for this challenge. They enabled the entire process to be carried out online, from application submission to decision notification.

This rapid switch to virtual platforms underscored the need for efficient, robust, and user-friendly admissions systems, further solidifying the significance of these systems in the education sector.

Admissions Software Lead, Action Starter Ltd

The pandemic, albeit unwelcome, served as a catalyst in bringing about this digital transformation much faster than anticipated.

Top Universities Are Implementing New Improved Online Admissions Systems

The most obvious benefit is their ability to enable institutions to carry out their entire admissions process remotely. This offers a great degree of flexibility, allowing administrators to manage applications and make decisions even while on the go.

the university of Warwick logo

For example, in 2019, Warwick University announced the move to improve their admissions system, they looked to implement an improved online admission system that enabled applicants to submit all documents and information electronically, simplifying the existing process that involved many different digital and manual processes. This system would enable admissions officers, referees and staff to review applications and make decisions with ease.

Must-Have Features

The importance of user-friendly interface, robust security protocols, and capacity to handle large volumes of applications are some of the must-have features that should be considered when choosing a Virtual Admissions System. Here are some additional features that will ensure maximum efficiency for educational institutions:

Automated Lead & Application Submission

Ensure the system effortlessly collects applications from multiple sources, such as school websites and social media enquiry forms.

It should be able to handle decision-making process to suit your institution’s unique admissions preferences. Set criteria, assign evaluators, and provide applicants with personalised feedback.

Customisable Decision-Making Process

It should be able to handle decision-making process to suit your institution’s unique admissions preferences. Set criteria, assign evaluators, and provide applicants with personalised feedback.

It should offer schools a customisable decision-making process that can be adjusted according to an institution’s preferences. This includes setting criteria for screening applications, assigning evaluators, and giving applicants personalised feedback.

Realtime Reports & Realtime Analytics

Opt for a system with powerful data management and analytics capabilities. Gain valuable insights into your admissions and enrollment process to optimize efficiency and increase enrollment rates.

The system should also have the ability to generate reports and send out notifications in a timely manner. This ensures that administrators stay informed about their admissions and can follow up with applicants as needed.

Scalable Cloud Data Storage

Select a system equipped with scalable cloud data storage capabilities. This ensures that your system can adapt and expand seamlessly in alignment with your evolving requirements and growth.

The capacity for data management and analytics is also an essential feature. This enables institutions to gain valuable insights into their admissions and enrollment process in order to improve efficiency and increase enrolment rates.

Application Tracking from Enquiry to Enrolment

It should also seamlessly track the progress of each application through the entire process from interest to enrolment.

You should be able to effortlessly monitor the journey of each application, ensuring a seamless tracking process from the initial expression of interest to the final enrolment stage. Comprehensive tracking capability will provide invaluable insights into the entire applicant lifecycle, enabling your institution to make informed decisions and optimise your admissions process effectively.

Customisable Drag Drop Application Forms Builder

Your system should allow you to create tailored application forms effortlessly. The forms should then collect all necessary information, including questionnaires, essays, and other required documents, in a user-friendly manner.

The need for customisable application forms is also essential for a Virtual Admissions System to be effective. Institutions should have the ability to create their own forms, which can include questionnaires, essays, and other documents required by the institution. This allows institutions to collect all necessary information from applicants in one place and streamline their admissions.

Integration With Existing Systems

Choose a system that seamlessly integrates with your existing databases and software. Eliminate the need for manual data entry and ensure smooth operation.

This makes it easier for institutions to transfer data between different software platforms, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Virtual Event Management

Your system should facilitate these events using tools such as Zoom, Facebook Live, and Teams, enabling you to reach prospective students worldwide.

Virtual events such as webinars, virtual open houses, meet the head, virtual tours, residence and campus tours are becoming increasingly important in today’s education landscape. Imagine being able to conduct a Virtual tour with thousands of prospective students from all around the world and the impact that can have on the number of applications without ever doing a visit in person.

Financial Aid Bursary And Scholarship Management

Another must have is the capability to manage financial aid and scholarships. The system should be able to manage financial aid and scholarships. The system should process applications quickly and accurately, ensuring that prospective students receive the support they need in a timely manner. This allows institutions to process applications for financial aid quickly and accurately, ensuring that prospective students receive the support they need in a timely manner.

Payment Processing

The advantage of integrated payment systems is also hugely beneficial. This eliminates the need to manually process payments for applications or exams, reducing processing time and improving accuracy.

Benefits of Implementing a Virtual Admissions System

The implementation of such a system offers numerous benefits to educational institutions. This includes improved efficiency, increased accuracy, and communications and cost savings in terms of labour and resources.

  • Enhanced Experience for Prospective Students and Parents – VAS systems streamline the college process by automating routine tasks such as application submission, tracking of applications and decision-making. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, thus reducing time and costs associated with the process. Additionally, a user-friendly. interface that makes it easy for applicants to understand and follow the process eliminates confusion or delays in the process, providing an overall smoother experience for everyone involved.
  • Incredible insights for Senior Management and the Admissions Team – Access to powerful analytics tools that allow institutions to gain insights into their admissions process. This includes tracking of applicant demographics, acceptance rates, and decision-making patterns. With this information they can identify potential areas for improvement or optimisation.
  • Security & Data Protection – A robust security protocol which protect sensitive new student and parent information from unauthorised access or misuse. This ensures the safety of applicant data and ensures compliance with regulations such as GDPR.

Key Takeaways

In summary, the implementation of a Virtual Admissions System offers numerous benefits to educational institutions, including improved efficiency, increased accuracy and cost savings. It also offers powerful analytics tools for gaining insights into admissions process and robust security protocols for protecting sensitive information from unauthorised access or misuse. In addition, it provides a user-friendly interface for applicants

Closing Remarks

The future prospects of Virtual Systems in The Admission Process

The future is promising and poised for further growth and development. As more educational institutions realise the value of automating their admissions process, the demand for these systems is expected to increase.

In the future, we can expect to see more advanced features such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning being incorporated. These technologies can further improve the efficiency and accuracy of decision-making in admissions. For example, AI could help in predicting successful applicants based on historical data, while machine learning could be used to continuously improve the decision-making process based on feedback and results.

Moreover, we can expect to see enhanced interoperability with other software platforms as integration becomes increasingly important. This will make it easier for institutions to manage their admissions process alongside other administrative tasks.

In summary, the future prospects are bright, with anticipated advancements in technology and increased integration with other platforms. These systems are set to become an integral part of the admissions process for educational institutions worldwide.

heiapply laptop

Interested in exploring our Virtual Admissions Platform HEIapply?

We invite you to take the next step. Try HEIapply, your Virtual Admissions System, and experience firsthand how it can transform your admissions process, elevate your institution’s efficiency, and provide invaluable insights.

How We Do It

– Streamlined Applicant Journey

All too often, the admissions process for educational institutions can be a cumbersome and time-consuming affair for both prospective students and staff alike. Our online Admissions Software seeks to streamline the process as much as possible whilst still ensuring that all the necessary information is gathered.

Applicants can complete their application form online at their convenience, upload supporting documentation, save progress, and return later if need be. They can also submit and track processing progress via a secure student log-in area, and make use of an instant messaging system linked directly to your school admissions admin team should they have any questions.

All the information provided can be easily sent into your school management system for enrolment and other post-enrolment activities.

image of applicant area
imge of admin/backend area

– Optimised Administrative Activities

Easily manage staff access, programme listings and shortlisting applicants. Capture reviews from internal employees or external members of your team. Send out automated emails and communicate with your applicants from within the platform private messaging system.

We Take Manual Human Error Prone Standard or Complex Application Processes And Provide A Streamlined, Intuitive Solution

Without HEIapply

image of chaotic-admissions-process

With HEIapply

image of organised admissions process

What Some Of Our Customers Have To Say About Our Admissions Software

From Paper-based To Online

We had a paper-based application process with internal and external team members.

It was proving time consuming and difficult. Email trails were hard to follow and find and we were constantly fielding applicant follow up calls.

HEIapply has allowed us to have a complete on-line application process, massively improving the applicant journey.

"If telling someone else about HEIapply, I would say: Just make the switch, you'll not regret it!"

- E4F Startup Incubator, United Kingdom

From Inadequate Solution To Simplified Software

We were using another platform that was not fit for purpose until we discovered HEIapply.

We had a short time-frame in which to turnaround the project and we managed to get up and running very quickly.

Our ideas were listened to and taken on board, the HEIapply team also offered advice on industry best practices that helped us mould the solution into something more than what we had ever imagined

"It's one of the most intuitive systems we've ever worked with and it simplified our workflow to a degree where it made the job enjoyable"

- Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Key Features That Allow You To Managing Your
Entire Student Recruitment Process In A Single CRM Platform

Lead Management

Streamline Lead Management and Improve Conversion Rates with Seamless Form Integration

  • Effortless creation of embeddable forms with HEIapply's powerful form builder
  • Capture enquiries and leads directly within your CRM for improved lead management and nurturing
  • Transform the way you manage potential applicants through streamlined processes
  • Option to use existing forms via API integration or Zapier integration to send data directly into your HEIapply environment
  • Seamless integration with your existing workflows to ensure continuity and efficiency

image of easy to use form builder
graphic illustration of a mouse clicking a button

Admissions Related Events

Effortlessly Capture and Confirm Attendance for Admission Related Events With Integrated Event Booking Forms

  • Integrated event booking forms that simplify registration and make it easy for attendees to sign up and participate
  • User-friendly forms that allow individuals to provide their information, choose preferred sessions, and confirm attendance with just a few clicks
  • Elimination of registration barriers that encourage more students to join events
  • Automation of attendance confirmation to help administrative teams manage and track event participation efficiently
  • Automated event communication, including confirmations and reminders, to keep attendees engaged and informed throughout the event journey

Online Applications

Simplify and Accelerate the Applicant Journey with Streamlined Online Applications, Document Upload, Intergrated Messaging and Progress Tracking

  • Streamlined online applications that enable easy completion of forms and document uploads
  • Convenient tracking of application progress in a secure online portal
  • Integrated messaging system for direct communication between applicants and administrative team
  • Prompt responses to any queries raised by applicants
  • Payment capture prior to submission through our integration with 5 popular payment gateways

Illustration of stacked screenshots from various area of our software
screenshot of a laptop showing the software's dashboard

Admissions Office Tools

Boost Administrative Efficiency By Empowering Your Admin Team To Efficiently Manage, Assign, and Process Applications to Desired Endpoints Using Simplified Workflows

  • Empowers your admin team to streamline application management, assignment, and processing
  • Simplified workflows enable efficient handling when there is a surge of applications
  • Assigns applications to appropriate reviewers for timely processing
  • Reduces manual effort, improves productivity, and ensures a smooth and organised application process
  • Boosts administrative efficiency and frees up time to focus on other critical tasks

Branding Your Applications Portal

Elevate Your Brand Experience with HEIapply's Customisable Branding Features

  • Custom branding capabilities for authentic customer experiences
  • Incorporate company culture with colours, images, logos, and more
  • Build lasting impressions with every interaction
  • High level of customisability available
  • Enhance every aspect of customer and admin engagement on the HEIapply platform
  • Professional appearance that reflects your business goals and values
  • Give your institution a Competitive edge with unique and personalised branding

image showing that you can brand the portal in any way you like
image of a user seeking and getting support

All-Round Product & Technical Support

Benefit from our Dedicated Onboarding and Technical Support, Guided by our Expert Account Managers for Optimal Efficiency.

  • Comprehensive services to help both novice and experienced users with their CRM migration, onboarding, and regular training needs
  • Customised training programs tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Ongoing support to ensure that you get the most out of your CRM system
  • Additional products and services to enhance your CRM experience, including advanced reporting capabilities, automated workflows, and data analysis tools

Start With An Out Of The Box Recipe Specifically Crafted For Your Organisation Type

Move Your Entire Admissions Process Online In Days Not Weeks
illustration of 3 screens connected together to illustrate a workflow
1-Setup Your Applicants/Bookers/Parent/Agent Portal
2-Configure The Administrator’s Portal
3-Load Your Programmes, Message Templates, Setup Automation and user accounts

Need Help With A Complex Non-Standard Setup?

Thanks to our background as a software development company, we thrive on complexity. Our solution is designed to handle even the most intricate setups with ease. Tailoring key features of our base solution to meet your precise requirements is not only possible, but it's what we excel at.

Here is how we do it...

icon showing gears

We Analyse Your Current Process

We work with you to capture & understand your current process. You can focus on your main pain points whilst retaining critical aspects of your existing work-flow.

icon showing a configuration process

Customise our Out-of-Box Solution

We setup your digital forms, online application portal, supporting documents, configure and embed your work-flow into our ‘out of the box’ Admissions Software and get you up and running in weeks.

icon showing support services

Launch, Support & Make Periodic Adjustments

We support you post launch with 8 weeks of weekly reviews. During this time, we are an extension of your team, making sure the CRM is well-adapted to your workflow.

Pickup the phone and get all your questions answered

Book A Demo To See HEIapply In Action

The Leading Education Admissions Software Solution

HEIapply’s CTO picks up this year’s BYPY Tech Award

Learn More Book A Demo
main image heiapply

Loved and trusted by organisations all over the world

De Montford Khazakstan Logo
Sedbergh International summer school logo
South Essex College Logo
Conde Nast Logo
Heart Of England NHS Logo
Aston University Birmingham Logo

HEIapply Overview

‘And this year’s Technology Award for Birmingham Young Professional of the Year goes to Simon Kaguramamba.’ It was a gruelling session with a judging panel comprising of some of the top, leading business people in the West Midlands at KMPG Headquarters in Birmingham. Simon fought with serious competition in another 300 nominees until he lifted this year’s BYBP Technology Award ‘Winning the Technology Category was amazing! I thank the awesome team around me, together we made this possible,’ commented Simon. If you would like to congratulate the mind behind HEIapply, please tweet Simon @simonkags. To find out how we can help you capture, manage and review thousands of submissions online, please click here to book a demo or give us a call on 0800 088 5833

How We Do It

– Streamlined Applicant Journey

All too often, the admissions process for educational institutions can be a cumbersome and time-consuming affair for both prospective students and staff alike. Our online Admissions Software seeks to streamline the process as much as possible whilst still ensuring that all the necessary information is gathered.

Applicants can complete their application form online at their convenience, upload supporting documentation, save progress, and return later if need be. They can also submit and track processing progress via a secure student log-in area, and make use of an instant messaging system linked directly to your school admissions admin team should they have any questions.

All the information provided can be easily sent into your school management system for enrolment and other post-enrolment activities.

image of applicant area
imge of admin/backend area

– Optimised Administrative Activities

Easily manage staff access, programme listings and shortlisting applicants. Capture reviews from internal employees or external members of your team. Send out automated emails and communicate with your applicants from within the platform private messaging system.

We Take Manual Human Error Prone Standard or Complex Application Processes And Provide A Streamlined, Intuitive Solution

Without HEIapply

image of chaotic-admissions-process

With HEIapply

image of organised admissions process

What Some Of Our Customers Have To Say About Our Admissions Software

From Paper-based To Online

We had a paper-based application process with internal and external team members.

It was proving time consuming and difficult. Email trails were hard to follow and find and we were constantly fielding applicant follow up calls.

HEIapply has allowed us to have a complete on-line application process, massively improving the applicant journey.

"If telling someone else about HEIapply, I would say: Just make the switch, you'll not regret it!"

- E4F Startup Incubator, United Kingdom

From Inadequate Solution To Simplified Software

We were using another platform that was not fit for purpose until we discovered HEIapply.

We had a short time-frame in which to turnaround the project and we managed to get up and running very quickly.

Our ideas were listened to and taken on board, the HEIapply team also offered advice on industry best practices that helped us mould the solution into something more than what we had ever imagined

"It's one of the most intuitive systems we've ever worked with and it simplified our workflow to a degree where it made the job enjoyable"

- Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Key Features That Allow You To Managing Your
Entire Student Recruitment Process In A Single CRM Platform

Lead Management

Streamline Lead Management and Improve Conversion Rates with Seamless Form Integration

  • Effortless creation of embeddable forms with HEIapply's powerful form builder
  • Capture enquiries and leads directly within your CRM for improved lead management and nurturing
  • Transform the way you manage potential applicants through streamlined processes
  • Option to use existing forms via API integration or Zapier integration to send data directly into your HEIapply environment
  • Seamless integration with your existing workflows to ensure continuity and efficiency

image of easy to use form builder
graphic illustration of a mouse clicking a button

Admissions Related Events

Effortlessly Capture and Confirm Attendance for Admission Related Events With Integrated Event Booking Forms

  • Integrated event booking forms that simplify registration and make it easy for attendees to sign up and participate
  • User-friendly forms that allow individuals to provide their information, choose preferred sessions, and confirm attendance with just a few clicks
  • Elimination of registration barriers that encourage more students to join events
  • Automation of attendance confirmation to help administrative teams manage and track event participation efficiently
  • Automated event communication, including confirmations and reminders, to keep attendees engaged and informed throughout the event journey

Online Applications

Simplify and Accelerate the Applicant Journey with Streamlined Online Applications, Document Upload, Intergrated Messaging and Progress Tracking

  • Streamlined online applications that enable easy completion of forms and document uploads
  • Convenient tracking of application progress in a secure online portal
  • Integrated messaging system for direct communication between applicants and administrative team
  • Prompt responses to any queries raised by applicants
  • Payment capture prior to submission through our integration with 5 popular payment gateways

Illustration of stacked screenshots from various area of our software
screenshot of a laptop showing the software's dashboard

Admissions Office Tools

Boost Administrative Efficiency By Empowering Your Admin Team To Efficiently Manage, Assign, and Process Applications to Desired Endpoints Using Simplified Workflows

  • Empowers your admin team to streamline application management, assignment, and processing
  • Simplified workflows enable efficient handling when there is a surge of applications
  • Assigns applications to appropriate reviewers for timely processing
  • Reduces manual effort, improves productivity, and ensures a smooth and organised application process
  • Boosts administrative efficiency and frees up time to focus on other critical tasks

Branding Your Applications Portal

Elevate Your Brand Experience with HEIapply's Customisable Branding Features

  • Custom branding capabilities for authentic customer experiences
  • Incorporate company culture with colours, images, logos, and more
  • Build lasting impressions with every interaction
  • High level of customisability available
  • Enhance every aspect of customer and admin engagement on the HEIapply platform
  • Professional appearance that reflects your business goals and values
  • Give your institution a Competitive edge with unique and personalised branding

image showing that you can brand the portal in any way you like
image of a user seeking and getting support

All-Round Product & Technical Support

Benefit from our Dedicated Onboarding and Technical Support, Guided by our Expert Account Managers for Optimal Efficiency.

  • Comprehensive services to help both novice and experienced users with their CRM migration, onboarding, and regular training needs
  • Customised training programs tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Ongoing support to ensure that you get the most out of your CRM system
  • Additional products and services to enhance your CRM experience, including advanced reporting capabilities, automated workflows, and data analysis tools

Start With An Out Of The Box Recipe Specifically Crafted For Your Organisation Type

Move Your Entire Admissions Process Online In Days Not Weeks
illustration of 3 screens connected together to illustrate a workflow
1-Setup Your Applicants/Bookers/Parent/Agent Portal
2-Configure The Administrator’s Portal
3-Load Your Programmes, Message Templates, Setup Automation and user accounts

Need Help With A Complex Non-Standard Setup?

Thanks to our background as a software development company, we thrive on complexity. Our solution is designed to handle even the most intricate setups with ease. Tailoring key features of our base solution to meet your precise requirements is not only possible, but it's what we excel at.

Here is how we do it...

icon showing gears

We Analyse Your Current Process

We work with you to capture & understand your current process. You can focus on your main pain points whilst retaining critical aspects of your existing work-flow.

icon showing a configuration process

Customise our Out-of-Box Solution

We setup your digital forms, online application portal, supporting documents, configure and embed your work-flow into our ‘out of the box’ Admissions Software and get you up and running in weeks.

icon showing support services

Launch, Support & Make Periodic Adjustments

We support you post launch with 8 weeks of weekly reviews. During this time, we are an extension of your team, making sure the CRM is well-adapted to your workflow.

Pickup the phone and get all your questions answered

Book A Demo To See HEIapply In Action

The Leading Education Admissions Software Solution

Privacy matters

Learn More Book A Demo
main image heiapply

Loved and trusted by organisations all over the world

De Montford Khazakstan Logo
Sedbergh International summer school logo
South Essex College Logo
Conde Nast Logo
Heart Of England NHS Logo
Aston University Birmingham Logo

HEIapply Overview

Privacy matters, and that is why we ensure your data is 100% protected at HEIapply. HEIapply provides the tools and access required to manage and clear personal data, helping and encouraging Organisations to comply with DPA legislation. We are also registered with the ICO. Super admin users of the system have the power to grant or revoke permissions to their users as required. Audit trails are in-built to track complete user activity. We use UK-based servers and data sits on a cluster environment, scalable horizontally and vertically. With guaranteed 99.9% uptime, the system is perfect for peak applications periods. To find out more about how we can help keep your data protected, please get in touch.

How We Do It

– Streamlined Applicant Journey

All too often, the admissions process for educational institutions can be a cumbersome and time-consuming affair for both prospective students and staff alike. Our online Admissions Software seeks to streamline the process as much as possible whilst still ensuring that all the necessary information is gathered.

Applicants can complete their application form online at their convenience, upload supporting documentation, save progress, and return later if need be. They can also submit and track processing progress via a secure student log-in area, and make use of an instant messaging system linked directly to your school admissions admin team should they have any questions.

All the information provided can be easily sent into your school management system for enrolment and other post-enrolment activities.

image of applicant area
imge of admin/backend area

– Optimised Administrative Activities

Easily manage staff access, programme listings and shortlisting applicants. Capture reviews from internal employees or external members of your team. Send out automated emails and communicate with your applicants from within the platform private messaging system.

We Take Manual Human Error Prone Standard or Complex Application Processes And Provide A Streamlined, Intuitive Solution

Without HEIapply

image of chaotic-admissions-process

With HEIapply

image of organised admissions process

What Some Of Our Customers Have To Say About Our Admissions Software

From Paper-based To Online

We had a paper-based application process with internal and external team members.

It was proving time consuming and difficult. Email trails were hard to follow and find and we were constantly fielding applicant follow up calls.

HEIapply has allowed us to have a complete on-line application process, massively improving the applicant journey.

"If telling someone else about HEIapply, I would say: Just make the switch, you'll not regret it!"

- E4F Startup Incubator, United Kingdom

From Inadequate Solution To Simplified Software

We were using another platform that was not fit for purpose until we discovered HEIapply.

We had a short time-frame in which to turnaround the project and we managed to get up and running very quickly.

Our ideas were listened to and taken on board, the HEIapply team also offered advice on industry best practices that helped us mould the solution into something more than what we had ever imagined

"It's one of the most intuitive systems we've ever worked with and it simplified our workflow to a degree where it made the job enjoyable"

- Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Key Features That Allow You To Managing Your
Entire Student Recruitment Process In A Single CRM Platform

Lead Management

Streamline Lead Management and Improve Conversion Rates with Seamless Form Integration

  • Effortless creation of embeddable forms with HEIapply's powerful form builder
  • Capture enquiries and leads directly within your CRM for improved lead management and nurturing
  • Transform the way you manage potential applicants through streamlined processes
  • Option to use existing forms via API integration or Zapier integration to send data directly into your HEIapply environment
  • Seamless integration with your existing workflows to ensure continuity and efficiency

image of easy to use form builder
graphic illustration of a mouse clicking a button

Admissions Related Events

Effortlessly Capture and Confirm Attendance for Admission Related Events With Integrated Event Booking Forms

  • Integrated event booking forms that simplify registration and make it easy for attendees to sign up and participate
  • User-friendly forms that allow individuals to provide their information, choose preferred sessions, and confirm attendance with just a few clicks
  • Elimination of registration barriers that encourage more students to join events
  • Automation of attendance confirmation to help administrative teams manage and track event participation efficiently
  • Automated event communication, including confirmations and reminders, to keep attendees engaged and informed throughout the event journey

Online Applications

Simplify and Accelerate the Applicant Journey with Streamlined Online Applications, Document Upload, Intergrated Messaging and Progress Tracking

  • Streamlined online applications that enable easy completion of forms and document uploads
  • Convenient tracking of application progress in a secure online portal
  • Integrated messaging system for direct communication between applicants and administrative team
  • Prompt responses to any queries raised by applicants
  • Payment capture prior to submission through our integration with 5 popular payment gateways

Illustration of stacked screenshots from various area of our software
screenshot of a laptop showing the software's dashboard

Admissions Office Tools

Boost Administrative Efficiency By Empowering Your Admin Team To Efficiently Manage, Assign, and Process Applications to Desired Endpoints Using Simplified Workflows

  • Empowers your admin team to streamline application management, assignment, and processing
  • Simplified workflows enable efficient handling when there is a surge of applications
  • Assigns applications to appropriate reviewers for timely processing
  • Reduces manual effort, improves productivity, and ensures a smooth and organised application process
  • Boosts administrative efficiency and frees up time to focus on other critical tasks

Branding Your Applications Portal

Elevate Your Brand Experience with HEIapply's Customisable Branding Features

  • Custom branding capabilities for authentic customer experiences
  • Incorporate company culture with colours, images, logos, and more
  • Build lasting impressions with every interaction
  • High level of customisability available
  • Enhance every aspect of customer and admin engagement on the HEIapply platform
  • Professional appearance that reflects your business goals and values
  • Give your institution a Competitive edge with unique and personalised branding

image showing that you can brand the portal in any way you like
image of a user seeking and getting support

All-Round Product & Technical Support

Benefit from our Dedicated Onboarding and Technical Support, Guided by our Expert Account Managers for Optimal Efficiency.

  • Comprehensive services to help both novice and experienced users with their CRM migration, onboarding, and regular training needs
  • Customised training programs tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Ongoing support to ensure that you get the most out of your CRM system
  • Additional products and services to enhance your CRM experience, including advanced reporting capabilities, automated workflows, and data analysis tools

Start With An Out Of The Box Recipe Specifically Crafted For Your Organisation Type

Move Your Entire Admissions Process Online In Days Not Weeks
illustration of 3 screens connected together to illustrate a workflow
1-Setup Your Applicants/Bookers/Parent/Agent Portal
2-Configure The Administrator’s Portal
3-Load Your Programmes, Message Templates, Setup Automation and user accounts

Need Help With A Complex Non-Standard Setup?

Thanks to our background as a software development company, we thrive on complexity. Our solution is designed to handle even the most intricate setups with ease. Tailoring key features of our base solution to meet your precise requirements is not only possible, but it's what we excel at.

Here is how we do it...

icon showing gears

We Analyse Your Current Process

We work with you to capture & understand your current process. You can focus on your main pain points whilst retaining critical aspects of your existing work-flow.

icon showing a configuration process

Customise our Out-of-Box Solution

We setup your digital forms, online application portal, supporting documents, configure and embed your work-flow into our ‘out of the box’ Admissions Software and get you up and running in weeks.

icon showing support services

Launch, Support & Make Periodic Adjustments

We support you post launch with 8 weeks of weekly reviews. During this time, we are an extension of your team, making sure the CRM is well-adapted to your workflow.

Pickup the phone and get all your questions answered

Book A Demo To See HEIapply In Action

The Leading Education Admissions Software Solution

Reducing error margins by introducing technology

Learn More Book A Demo
main image heiapply

Loved and trusted by organisations all over the world

De Montford Khazakstan Logo
Sedbergh International summer school logo
South Essex College Logo
Conde Nast Logo
Heart Of England NHS Logo
Aston University Birmingham Logo

HEIapply Overview

Following the retirement of Adobe FormsCentral, many an organisation embarked on a journey to find a suitable replacement. Some saw no way but to shift back in time to an era of paper and pen. Picture this: you deal with around 50 applicant submissions each week to a Dance Course programme you’re running. The applicant has to fill out a PDF they printed off your website or collected from your Reception Desk. They then post it to you (unlikely given the increasing cost of postage), come and hand it in at the Reception (also unlikely given the increasing resistance to human contact) or email it to your specified department with little effort and no cost at all. Your Administrator has fun and games while sifting through hand-written forms, trying to translate variant legibility for entry into your chosen data capture method (most likely Excel spreadsheets). Spreadsheets are then passed around departments and Recruitment shortlists those who make it to the next or final stage. Back to Admin who either contacts everyone with an outcome, or only those who have been successful. Fast forward to enrolment day; numbers may have dropped since there are those who lose interest or go elsewhere. Despite succeeding to have an uptake, there is a pang of disappointment because of shortlists you were unable to retain despite lengthy, costly and labour-intensive efforts. There are perhaps thoughts that the shortlisting process was too rigorous and perhaps there are doubts that Admin by-passed forms they couldn’t read. The solution: Erase all doubts, reduce the margin for error and minimise effort, cost and time spent on the entire process. Go paperless and move back to the future! HEIapply is the web-based tool that converts your paper-based submission forms into elegant paperless processes. Whether an Application form for membership or a job, an Admission form for entry onto an academic or training programme, or an Enquiry form registering details and interest, we can help you increase conversion rates and reduce the amount of labour involved. Listening to our clients is at the heart of what we do. We ensure we attack real problems and provide the best solutions. In addition to our out-of-box software options, we provide bespoke solutions to fully tailor your needs. To find out more, give us a call today on +44 (0) 800 088 5833 or click here to book a demo

How We Do It

– Streamlined Applicant Journey

All too often, the admissions process for educational institutions can be a cumbersome and time-consuming affair for both prospective students and staff alike. Our online Admissions Software seeks to streamline the process as much as possible whilst still ensuring that all the necessary information is gathered.

Applicants can complete their application form online at their convenience, upload supporting documentation, save progress, and return later if need be. They can also submit and track processing progress via a secure student log-in area, and make use of an instant messaging system linked directly to your school admissions admin team should they have any questions.

All the information provided can be easily sent into your school management system for enrolment and other post-enrolment activities.

image of applicant area
imge of admin/backend area

– Optimised Administrative Activities

Easily manage staff access, programme listings and shortlisting applicants. Capture reviews from internal employees or external members of your team. Send out automated emails and communicate with your applicants from within the platform private messaging system.

We Take Manual Human Error Prone Standard or Complex Application Processes And Provide A Streamlined, Intuitive Solution

Without HEIapply

image of chaotic-admissions-process

With HEIapply

image of organised admissions process

What Some Of Our Customers Have To Say About Our Admissions Software

From Paper-based To Online

We had a paper-based application process with internal and external team members.

It was proving time consuming and difficult. Email trails were hard to follow and find and we were constantly fielding applicant follow up calls.

HEIapply has allowed us to have a complete on-line application process, massively improving the applicant journey.

"If telling someone else about HEIapply, I would say: Just make the switch, you'll not regret it!"

- E4F Startup Incubator, United Kingdom

From Inadequate Solution To Simplified Software

We were using another platform that was not fit for purpose until we discovered HEIapply.

We had a short time-frame in which to turnaround the project and we managed to get up and running very quickly.

Our ideas were listened to and taken on board, the HEIapply team also offered advice on industry best practices that helped us mould the solution into something more than what we had ever imagined

"It's one of the most intuitive systems we've ever worked with and it simplified our workflow to a degree where it made the job enjoyable"

- Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Key Features That Allow You To Managing Your
Entire Student Recruitment Process In A Single CRM Platform

Lead Management

Streamline Lead Management and Improve Conversion Rates with Seamless Form Integration

  • Effortless creation of embeddable forms with HEIapply's powerful form builder
  • Capture enquiries and leads directly within your CRM for improved lead management and nurturing
  • Transform the way you manage potential applicants through streamlined processes
  • Option to use existing forms via API integration or Zapier integration to send data directly into your HEIapply environment
  • Seamless integration with your existing workflows to ensure continuity and efficiency

image of easy to use form builder
graphic illustration of a mouse clicking a button

Admissions Related Events

Effortlessly Capture and Confirm Attendance for Admission Related Events With Integrated Event Booking Forms

  • Integrated event booking forms that simplify registration and make it easy for attendees to sign up and participate
  • User-friendly forms that allow individuals to provide their information, choose preferred sessions, and confirm attendance with just a few clicks
  • Elimination of registration barriers that encourage more students to join events
  • Automation of attendance confirmation to help administrative teams manage and track event participation efficiently
  • Automated event communication, including confirmations and reminders, to keep attendees engaged and informed throughout the event journey

Online Applications

Simplify and Accelerate the Applicant Journey with Streamlined Online Applications, Document Upload, Intergrated Messaging and Progress Tracking

  • Streamlined online applications that enable easy completion of forms and document uploads
  • Convenient tracking of application progress in a secure online portal
  • Integrated messaging system for direct communication between applicants and administrative team
  • Prompt responses to any queries raised by applicants
  • Payment capture prior to submission through our integration with 5 popular payment gateways

Illustration of stacked screenshots from various area of our software
screenshot of a laptop showing the software's dashboard

Admissions Office Tools

Boost Administrative Efficiency By Empowering Your Admin Team To Efficiently Manage, Assign, and Process Applications to Desired Endpoints Using Simplified Workflows

  • Empowers your admin team to streamline application management, assignment, and processing
  • Simplified workflows enable efficient handling when there is a surge of applications
  • Assigns applications to appropriate reviewers for timely processing
  • Reduces manual effort, improves productivity, and ensures a smooth and organised application process
  • Boosts administrative efficiency and frees up time to focus on other critical tasks

Branding Your Applications Portal

Elevate Your Brand Experience with HEIapply's Customisable Branding Features

  • Custom branding capabilities for authentic customer experiences
  • Incorporate company culture with colours, images, logos, and more
  • Build lasting impressions with every interaction
  • High level of customisability available
  • Enhance every aspect of customer and admin engagement on the HEIapply platform
  • Professional appearance that reflects your business goals and values
  • Give your institution a Competitive edge with unique and personalised branding

image showing that you can brand the portal in any way you like
image of a user seeking and getting support

All-Round Product & Technical Support

Benefit from our Dedicated Onboarding and Technical Support, Guided by our Expert Account Managers for Optimal Efficiency.

  • Comprehensive services to help both novice and experienced users with their CRM migration, onboarding, and regular training needs
  • Customised training programs tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Ongoing support to ensure that you get the most out of your CRM system
  • Additional products and services to enhance your CRM experience, including advanced reporting capabilities, automated workflows, and data analysis tools

Start With An Out Of The Box Recipe Specifically Crafted For Your Organisation Type

Move Your Entire Admissions Process Online In Days Not Weeks
illustration of 3 screens connected together to illustrate a workflow
1-Setup Your Applicants/Bookers/Parent/Agent Portal
2-Configure The Administrator’s Portal
3-Load Your Programmes, Message Templates, Setup Automation and user accounts

Need Help With A Complex Non-Standard Setup?

Thanks to our background as a software development company, we thrive on complexity. Our solution is designed to handle even the most intricate setups with ease. Tailoring key features of our base solution to meet your precise requirements is not only possible, but it's what we excel at.

Here is how we do it...

icon showing gears

We Analyse Your Current Process

We work with you to capture & understand your current process. You can focus on your main pain points whilst retaining critical aspects of your existing work-flow.

icon showing a configuration process

Customise our Out-of-Box Solution

We setup your digital forms, online application portal, supporting documents, configure and embed your work-flow into our ‘out of the box’ Admissions Software and get you up and running in weeks.

icon showing support services

Launch, Support & Make Periodic Adjustments

We support you post launch with 8 weeks of weekly reviews. During this time, we are an extension of your team, making sure the CRM is well-adapted to your workflow.

Pickup the phone and get all your questions answered

Book A Demo To See HEIapply In Action

The Leading Education Admissions Software Solution

Aston University chooses HEIapply following Adobe FormsCentral retirement

Learn More Book A Demo
main image heiapply

Loved and trusted by organisations all over the world

De Montford Khazakstan Logo
Sedbergh International summer school logo
South Essex College Logo
Conde Nast Logo
Heart Of England NHS Logo
Aston University Birmingham Logo

HEIapply Overview

Adobe completely retired its FormsCentral software tool on July 28th 2015 after about three years on the web form builder market. Adobe cited lack of interest and less uptake than expected (despite the enthusiasm of many users) as the reason behind the closedown. The company’s retirement plan is to focus on continuing to provide world-class PDF creation products that are available on any device, anywhere in the world. Whether application related to a course or job, or registration related to a service or event – regardless of the multitude of purposes for each and every form, the FormsCentral users have been affected. What next for all the individuals and businesses displaced as a result? Forms and submissions undoubtedly constitute a chunk of the big data that businesses of all sizes rely upon. Alternative solutions had to be sought, built and adopted. Some reverted to outdated paper-based processes, most likely with the intention to resort to this short-term given the costs associated with the increase in manual labour. Some (mostly bigger organisations) decided to source and build internal solutions. And finally, there are those who embarked on the search for an affordable, sustainable and flexible replacement providing functionality as dynamic as FormsCentral despite Adobe’s recommendation for similar and popular alternatives. In the wake of this situation, Aston University (Birmingham, UK) favoured HEIapply for the final stages of its International Student Recruitment. HEIapply provides not only the functionality to create forms and capture data but to process, manage and review it as well. As a flexible paperless system, the tool provided the Institution with optionality beyond FormsCentral’s offerings. The integration was completed in June 2015. In addition to building a form tailored specifically to your purpose and brand, HEIapply features in-built analytical charts and reports, communication inboxes and chats and the ability to personalise the user journey retaining applicants and increasing conversion rates. To find out more about why you should integrate with HEIapply, please book a live demo.        

How We Do It

– Streamlined Applicant Journey

All too often, the admissions process for educational institutions can be a cumbersome and time-consuming affair for both prospective students and staff alike. Our online Admissions Software seeks to streamline the process as much as possible whilst still ensuring that all the necessary information is gathered.

Applicants can complete their application form online at their convenience, upload supporting documentation, save progress, and return later if need be. They can also submit and track processing progress via a secure student log-in area, and make use of an instant messaging system linked directly to your school admissions admin team should they have any questions.

All the information provided can be easily sent into your school management system for enrolment and other post-enrolment activities.

image of applicant area
imge of admin/backend area

– Optimised Administrative Activities

Easily manage staff access, programme listings and shortlisting applicants. Capture reviews from internal employees or external members of your team. Send out automated emails and communicate with your applicants from within the platform private messaging system.

We Take Manual Human Error Prone Standard or Complex Application Processes And Provide A Streamlined, Intuitive Solution

Without HEIapply

image of chaotic-admissions-process

With HEIapply

image of organised admissions process

What Some Of Our Customers Have To Say About Our Admissions Software

From Paper-based To Online

We had a paper-based application process with internal and external team members.

It was proving time consuming and difficult. Email trails were hard to follow and find and we were constantly fielding applicant follow up calls.

HEIapply has allowed us to have a complete on-line application process, massively improving the applicant journey.

"If telling someone else about HEIapply, I would say: Just make the switch, you'll not regret it!"

- E4F Startup Incubator, United Kingdom

From Inadequate Solution To Simplified Software

We were using another platform that was not fit for purpose until we discovered HEIapply.

We had a short time-frame in which to turnaround the project and we managed to get up and running very quickly.

Our ideas were listened to and taken on board, the HEIapply team also offered advice on industry best practices that helped us mould the solution into something more than what we had ever imagined

"It's one of the most intuitive systems we've ever worked with and it simplified our workflow to a degree where it made the job enjoyable"

- Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Key Features That Allow You To Managing Your
Entire Student Recruitment Process In A Single CRM Platform

Lead Management

Streamline Lead Management and Improve Conversion Rates with Seamless Form Integration

  • Effortless creation of embeddable forms with HEIapply's powerful form builder
  • Capture enquiries and leads directly within your CRM for improved lead management and nurturing
  • Transform the way you manage potential applicants through streamlined processes
  • Option to use existing forms via API integration or Zapier integration to send data directly into your HEIapply environment
  • Seamless integration with your existing workflows to ensure continuity and efficiency

image of easy to use form builder
graphic illustration of a mouse clicking a button

Admissions Related Events

Effortlessly Capture and Confirm Attendance for Admission Related Events With Integrated Event Booking Forms

  • Integrated event booking forms that simplify registration and make it easy for attendees to sign up and participate
  • User-friendly forms that allow individuals to provide their information, choose preferred sessions, and confirm attendance with just a few clicks
  • Elimination of registration barriers that encourage more students to join events
  • Automation of attendance confirmation to help administrative teams manage and track event participation efficiently
  • Automated event communication, including confirmations and reminders, to keep attendees engaged and informed throughout the event journey

Online Applications

Simplify and Accelerate the Applicant Journey with Streamlined Online Applications, Document Upload, Intergrated Messaging and Progress Tracking

  • Streamlined online applications that enable easy completion of forms and document uploads
  • Convenient tracking of application progress in a secure online portal
  • Integrated messaging system for direct communication between applicants and administrative team
  • Prompt responses to any queries raised by applicants
  • Payment capture prior to submission through our integration with 5 popular payment gateways

Illustration of stacked screenshots from various area of our software
screenshot of a laptop showing the software's dashboard

Admissions Office Tools

Boost Administrative Efficiency By Empowering Your Admin Team To Efficiently Manage, Assign, and Process Applications to Desired Endpoints Using Simplified Workflows

  • Empowers your admin team to streamline application management, assignment, and processing
  • Simplified workflows enable efficient handling when there is a surge of applications
  • Assigns applications to appropriate reviewers for timely processing
  • Reduces manual effort, improves productivity, and ensures a smooth and organised application process
  • Boosts administrative efficiency and frees up time to focus on other critical tasks

Branding Your Applications Portal

Elevate Your Brand Experience with HEIapply's Customisable Branding Features

  • Custom branding capabilities for authentic customer experiences
  • Incorporate company culture with colours, images, logos, and more
  • Build lasting impressions with every interaction
  • High level of customisability available
  • Enhance every aspect of customer and admin engagement on the HEIapply platform
  • Professional appearance that reflects your business goals and values
  • Give your institution a Competitive edge with unique and personalised branding

image showing that you can brand the portal in any way you like
image of a user seeking and getting support

All-Round Product & Technical Support

Benefit from our Dedicated Onboarding and Technical Support, Guided by our Expert Account Managers for Optimal Efficiency.

  • Comprehensive services to help both novice and experienced users with their CRM migration, onboarding, and regular training needs
  • Customised training programs tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Ongoing support to ensure that you get the most out of your CRM system
  • Additional products and services to enhance your CRM experience, including advanced reporting capabilities, automated workflows, and data analysis tools

Start With An Out Of The Box Recipe Specifically Crafted For Your Organisation Type

Move Your Entire Admissions Process Online In Days Not Weeks
illustration of 3 screens connected together to illustrate a workflow
1-Setup Your Applicants/Bookers/Parent/Agent Portal
2-Configure The Administrator’s Portal
3-Load Your Programmes, Message Templates, Setup Automation and user accounts

Need Help With A Complex Non-Standard Setup?

Thanks to our background as a software development company, we thrive on complexity. Our solution is designed to handle even the most intricate setups with ease. Tailoring key features of our base solution to meet your precise requirements is not only possible, but it's what we excel at.

Here is how we do it...

icon showing gears

We Analyse Your Current Process

We work with you to capture & understand your current process. You can focus on your main pain points whilst retaining critical aspects of your existing work-flow.

icon showing a configuration process

Customise our Out-of-Box Solution

We setup your digital forms, online application portal, supporting documents, configure and embed your work-flow into our ‘out of the box’ Admissions Software and get you up and running in weeks.

icon showing support services

Launch, Support & Make Periodic Adjustments

We support you post launch with 8 weeks of weekly reviews. During this time, we are an extension of your team, making sure the CRM is well-adapted to your workflow.

Pickup the phone and get all your questions answered

Book A Demo To See HEIapply In Action